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Grow the Medical Workforce Pipeline by Easing the Burden of Student Debt 

The cost of a medical education is substantial for most students and the economic realities of practicing medicine in the United States have evolved away from the assurance of prosperity previously associated with the profession.  

The current median average of educational debt for medical school graduates is $215,000.  In 1978, the average medical school debt was $13,500 which, with inflation, would be $60,580 today. This economic reality pushes prospective physicians away from the profession and influences decision-making regarding specialization for medical graduates. 

The ACR supports the bipartisan Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act to allow medical student loan borrowers to defer payments and the accrual of interest on their student loans while they are serving in a medical internship, residency, or fellowship program.  

Act now to urge your lawmakers to increase the pipeline for the rheumatology workforce by easing the burden of student debt! The ACR’s Legislative Action Center will allow you to contact your members of Congress with just a few clicks. Take a moment to send your letter today!    

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