The Increasing Access to Osteoporosis Testing for Medicare Beneficiaries Act (H.R. 3517/S. 1943) would support seniors’ access to osteoporosis testing, prevention and treatment services by establishing a minimum reimbursement for DXA testing in an office setting. Currently, a DXA bone density test is covered every 2 years as part of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit and is part of the Welcome to Medicare exam, but incentives for beneficiaries to utilize preventive health services, like a DXA test, are meaningless if patients cannot access the service in their communities.
Medicare reimbursement for DXA has dropped from $140 to $42 – a reduction in payment of 70%. This reimbursement rate does not cover the cost to a provider this service. As a result, the capacity to provide DXA services within the healthcare system is being reduced and fewer patients are being tested. This legislation would set a $98 floor for Medicare reimbursement.
Let Congress know the importance of passing legislation that provides a sustainable Medicare payment for DXA bone density scans performed in a physician’s office.
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